Expressive images based on scenes originating from nature. Organic and playful shapes translated into fascinating designs that last. Calm and serene colors matching your unique identity.

A print expresses your style and emotion. When translated into an interior design you may think of the following examples: a nice wallpaper, bed cover, curtain, carpet or even your clothing style.

Prints designed by Krista Welles reflect emotions based on memories. They will make you relive special moments or bring you into a dreamland. Sceneries that only appear in your dreams are being worked out in the smallest details.

“My inspiration is born out of the love for my work and by looking at shapes in nature from an open and curious perspective.”


At ‘Prints by nature’ we are working in close collaboration with our customers. That way your identity always shines through in the designs. We believe it’s important to determine a clear common view of your designs beforehand, to make sure that all future collections will match.

Of course, we will also happily build on an existing identity or design philosophy. In both cases, we will translate your core value(s) into a moodboard that reflects the cornerstones of your unique identity. This moodboard is the starting point of a print or even for the whole collection. There are numerous options.

Please contact us by sending an email to Krista Welles: